4 Ways to Restore Your Dwindling Sex Drive

Most everyone’s desire for sex ebbs and flows throughout life, but what if it’s dwindling away completely? A range of factors can put the metaphorical breaks on your sex drive, also known as your libido. Thankfully, you don’t have to settle for that.
Our expert team at PSI Medical Group, led by Dr. Robert Grafton in Wixom, Michigan, provides sexual health care for adults of all ages to make way for richer, more gratifying intimacy and quality of life.
Here’s a look at several smart practices to increase your sex drive.
Address any hormone imbalance
Certain hormones, such as estrogen and testosterone, play a key role in your libido. If you’re experiencing a dramatic decline in such hormones, your sexual desire can suffer due to poor blood flow to your most erogenous parts — which means a lack of physical arousal.
Other effects of a hormone imbalance — like vaginal dryness, erectile dysfunction (ED), fatigue, low moods, and weight gain — can also make sex less appealing.
At PSI Medical Group, we offer bioidentical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT) to reduce the bothersome effects of estrogen and testosterone deficiencies.
Seek treatment for sexual dysfunction
In addition to BHRT, numerous other treatments can help restore your sexual function. If you’re grappling with ED, for example, GAINSwave® improves blood flow using sound waves.
Shockwave therapy, another minimally invasive treatment, stimulates new blood vessel growth.
While medications commonly treat ED, many of our patients appreciate GAINSwave and shockwave therapy as drug-free solutions.
Other sexual dysfunction treatments include psychotherapy or sex therapy, penile implants, and lifestyle changes, such as using a vaginal moisturizer and shifting to outercourse (sex that focuses on external stimulation).
Try platelet-rich plasma therapy
Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) therapy uses small amounts of your own blood, sent through a centrifuge to isolate platelets. Because platelets play important roles in healing, PRP injections promote healthy tissue growth.
To treat sexual challenges, we inject PRP into your clitoris, vagina, or penis for increased circulation, sensitivity, and stamina. PRP therapy may also reduce painful penetration, another cause of low sex drive, by thickening vaginal tissues, increasing collagen production, and restoring lubrication.
Improve your lifestyle habits
While no one lifestyle habit can instantly cure your dwindling sex drive, various shifts can help significantly by addressing underlying causes.
Eating a diet based on whole foods, like vegetables, fruits, whole grains, and nuts, for example, can reduce inflammation and improve circulation, setting the stage for stronger arousal. An anti-inflammatory diet may also reduce female hormone-related libido problems and minimize ED related to poor cardiovascular health.
Other helpful changes may include exercising for 30-60 minutes several times per week, improving your sleep habits, managing stress, and scheduling routine sexual health checkups.
To learn more or get started toward the intimacy and sex drive you miss, call us at PSI Medical Group in Wixom, Michigan, or book an appointment through our convenient website scheduler today.
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